Over the years, the Women’s Civic League has contributed to many civic organizations. Historically, during World War II, it was instrumental in organizing volunteers for the Red Cross as well as the volunteers for the hospital and nursing home. It also supported the Portage Girl Scouts which was organized in 1935 by the first chef of the club house.

A notable project was building the arch entering the Bridal Pond in Pauquette Park.
Every year, the Women’s Civic League of Portage coordinates projects benefitting our community. Among them are the Heritage House Christmas Tree and Valentine’s Day Party, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and the Portage Area Caring Tree. Additionally, every year we are pleased to provide a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating student at Portage High School.
In past years other organizations we’ve been privileged to financially support included:
River Haven
Badger Girls State
Free Clinic
Portage Food Pantry
Portage High School Band
Skateboard Park (Phase 2)
Historic Indian Agency House
Over the decades, the Women’s Civic League has engaged in a wide variety of fundraising efforts. Current fundraising events include no-bake bake sales, our annual ice cream social, monthly meeting drawings for donated items and floral arrangements, and individual donations from our members.
Please consider joining us as we continue with Zona Gale’s legacy of giving. You can reach out to us by sending us a message using our contact form.